Naval Action: A Simple Combat Resolution System for Model Fleets of the 1898-1945 Era
A Note on Copyright
Naval Action is COPYRIGHTED -- NOT Public Domain -- and FREE under the following conditions:
- Schools, libraries, and museums are free to make and keep copies for in-house educational use or nonpermanent loan/circulation ... in gratitude for the fine education and research assistance I have always received from such institutions.
- An individual is free to make one personal copy of Ardennes Petite for his/her own personal use.
- All other rights -- including publishing rights -- are reserved to me.
Naval Action is dedicated ...
C. to my children Rebecca, Robert, Rohan, and Johanna, in the hope that they may never have to go through a world war:
The more we learn about the Second World War, the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.
A Request: If you do use Naval Action, PLEASE let me know at what you think of it. Thanks!
And now: Here are Naval Action's components:
If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, and/or you have any questions about Naval Action feel free to e-mail me at
Thank you for your interest ....
13Jul15, rvsd 22Jul19