Ardennes Petite (Ardennes Small): A Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes 1944, Minigame
A Note on Copyright
Ardennes Petite is COPYRIGHTED -- NOT Public Domain -- and FREE under the following conditions:
- Schools, libraries, and museums are free to make and keep copies for in-house educational use or nonpermanent loan/circulation ... in gratitude for the fine education and research assistance I have always received from such institutions.
- An individual is free to make one personal copy of Ardennes Petite for his/her own personal use.
- All other rights -- including publishing rights -- are reserved to me.
Ardennes Petite (Ardennes Small): A Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes 1944, Minigame is dedicated ...
A. to the officers and men of the U.S. and British Armies and the U.S. Army Air Force, who fought and stopped Hitler's last desperate attempt to stave off the defeat and eliminaton of Nazism ... and himself.
B. with special remembrance of longtime family friend Chester A. Schultz (who won 2 Bronze Stars in the Battle of the Bulge), Ray Soleau (uncle of my old Alaska friend Paul DeSloover, who died in his P-51 Mustang fighter bomber on 25Jan45), and Ivan Bull (who was a sergeant in the 99th "Checkerboard" Infantry Division - also known as "The Diaper Division" and "The Battle Babies," because of its GIs' young age - which played a key role in holding the northern shoulder of the Bulge, preventing the SS panzer spearheads from breaking through to Spa and Liege).
C. to my children Rebecca, Robert, Rohan, and Johanna, in the hope that they may never have to go through a world war:
The more we learn about the Second World War, the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.
A Request: If you do assemble and play this free game of mine, PLEASE let me know at what you think of it and whether, after more than a couple games, you think one side or the other has an advantage. Thanks!
And now: Here are Ardennes Petite's components, to print off and assemble so that it may be played. Players-students will also need a single six-sided die (or chits numbered 1-6, to be drawn out of a hat) for the randomized combat results tables.
- Rules in Rich Text Format. These will probably be revised frequently, with feedback. I'm posting their date on them.
The current format is A4 paper size, Landscape configuration, with .2"/6mm margins.
You will want to print the units off at maximum size possible and then photo-reduce them from that, for best detail/quality. 5/8"--15mm--square for the infantry is about right. Allied units should be printed/photocopied off onto light green or khaki (or NATO good guy light blue) paper/cardstock, for mounting on the back of blue-backed posterboard or (better) matte board. German units should be printed/photocopied off onto light gray (or NATO bad guy pink) for mounting on the back of red (bad guy) posterboard or matte board.
- U.S.and British units, slightly revised, 4Aug14
- German units
, slightly revised, 4Aug14
- And for the Latin-impaired, Arabic corps/korps numerals:
- My point-to-point Ardennes Petite gamemap, revised, 4Aug14.
You will want to print this off as large as possible, and you should enlarge it with a photocopier after that. White is a good paper color, considering the battle was in the snow. I will be improving these .jpgs from time to time, but unless I have committed a major oversight somehow the map will stay unchanged.
- Be sure to see the game's Images section on for Patrick Tremoureux's beautiful, professional graphics renditions of the map and units.
- Ardennes Tournament Certificate
- Coming Soon: Historical and Game Design Commentary with more explanations of design rationales and with Advice on Play of the Game.
- Accounts of games of Ardennes Petite played, in HTM with photos.
- COMING SOON: Ardennes Petite Game Analysis and Results FormTo record weather as well as have a momento (and analysis) of your games.
More comments by myself and others about the game can be read on ConSimWorld and BoardGameGeek.
If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, and/or you have any questions about Ardennes Petite feel free to e-mail me at
Thank you for your interest in Ardennes Petite ....
28Aug14, revised 12Sep14